Noureev's Raymonda

opera bastille - Raymonda
Opéra Bastille

Jusqu'au 31 décembre 2019

Sans dialogue


Opéra Bastille
Place de la Bastille, 75012 Paris
Capacité 2700 sièges


3 hours 15 minutes

2 intermissions



Recommended for all ages

No dialogue

Highlights: Noureev's Raymonda

This gripping tale of daring knights and dream sequences unfolds against the backdrop of a medieval castle. Originally choreographed by French ballet master, Marius Pepita, Raymonda was revived for Paris by Rudolf Nureyev, during his stint as director of the Paris Ballet Opera.


Indulge in the Theatre in Paris Deluxe Opéra Package, an exclusive ticket package available even after standard sales for the opera are closed. Deluxe tickets come with a show programme, a glass of champagne upon your arrival at the venue, and exclusive access to the Opéra Bastille's beautiful Salon Berlioz, reserved for primary ticket holders. A result of our official partnership with the Friends of Paris Opera Association, the package can only be purchased via the Theatre in Paris box office.

Story: Noureev's Raymonda

Raymonda is the quintessential narrative ballet of French choreographer and ballet master, Marius Pepita. The ballet premièred in St Petersburg in 1898 but remained unknown outside of Russia for almost a century, until it was revived and reworked for the Paris Opera by Rudolf Nureyev, whose version forms the basis of this new performance.


Bringing an archaic medieval fantasy narrative to life through an astonishing range of classical dance forms, this story unfurls around the love between a young duchess and her dashing knight. Awaiting the return of her soon-to-be husband from his exploits in the crusades, Raymonda’s loyalty is tested by a lecherous saracen determined to make the duchess his own. Sumptuous courtly costumes and a scintillating musical score combine in this ballet to transport audiences back to the magic of medieval romance.


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Opéra Bastille

Place de la Bastille, 75012 Paris

Histoire et anecdotes de l’Opéra Bastille


Conçu par l’architecte uruguayen Carlos Ott, le bâtiment avait été commandé par le président François Mitterrand et fut inauguré en 1989. Pendant des années, nombreux étaient ceux qui se désolaient du manque de salles de spectacle modernes à Paris, capables d’accueillir des concerts et des créations modernes, avec différentes approches acoustiques et la flexibilité qu’un espace modulable offre. Un mouvement dans les années 1960 demanda un nouvel espace plus grand à Paris, qui plairait au grand public et qui serait un pendant à l’élaboré Palais Garnier. À peine 100 ans après l’inauguration de ce dernier, la demande trouva grâce auprès du président fraîchement élu, F. Mitterrand, qui a soutenu le projet en tant que tête d’affiche parmi les nombreuses œuvres modernes lancées au cours de son mandat. Choisissant le quartier populaire de Bastille pour son accès facile depuis Paris et les espaces entourant la ville, la vieille gare Bastille fut détruite pour laisser place à la construction de ce nouveau lieu. Le bâtiment fut achevé juste à temps pour les célébrations du bicentenaire de la Révolution française.


Le lieu a connu de nombreux changements d’orientation en raison des différentes affiliations politiques, ainsi que d’importants travaux de rénovation depuis sa construction pour réparer et pour insonoriser la structure entière. Contrairement aux autres auditoriums, ici chaque siège garantit une pleine visibilité sur la scène. Avec ses plafonds de verre transparent, sa structure gris métallique et ses sièges noirs ornés de chêne précieux, le lieu est une ode à la modernité et à la simplicité esthétique. Constitué de granit bleu de Bretagne et de blocs de verre, la lumière se reflète de l’extérieur aux quatre coins de l’édifice angulaire.


Infos pratiques
Capacité : 2745
Accès handicapé : Oui – afin de garantir l'accès à des lieux spécifiques, nous vous demandons de faire votre réservation au moins 15 jours avant le spectacle.
Climatisé : Oui
Chauffé : Oui
Vestiaire : Oui (service gratuit)


How do I get to the theatre?

The theatre is accessible by the metro station Bastille (Lines 1, 5, and 8). Our hotline can be reached in case of difficulty finding the theatre weekdays from 10 am to 7pm Paris time. For details, we invite you to consult the map above.

What do I do when I get to the theatre?

We invite you to arrive 20 minutes before the beginning of the show, and present your voucher at the front desk. The theatre's English-speaking staff members will guide you to your seats. Please note that the performances at the Opéra Bastille begin precisely on time, and all late arrivals will not be permitted to enter the auditorium until intermission.

How long does the show last?

The show lasts three hours and fifteen minutes, including two intermissions.

Is it a show for travellers or French people?

Both! The Opéra Bastille has been welcoming audiences from all over the world for 30 years. This legendary opera performance is sung in its original Russian, and subtitles in both French and English are provided for audiences to appreciate in one of France’s most iconic venues.

Does the venue have a specific dress code?

For Parisian operas and ballets, the dress tends to be a bit fancier than in other venues, so feel free to have a little fun and dress to impress. Many Parisians will arrive directly from work, dressed in casual chic attire. Generally, elegant casual wear is required, jackets are recommended for men. Shorts, Bermuda shorts, flip-flops, sportswear and trainers are discouraged.

Is there a coat check available?

Free cloakrooms are available on various floors of the theatre. Travel bags and suitcase are not allowed.

Can I take photos of the performance?

In order not to disturb the artists on stage, and for the comfort of other guests, you are not permitted to photograph, film or record the performance for the duration of the show. As long as the performance is not currently in session, feel free to take a snapshot of the wonderful venue to remember your night out!

What is included with my tickets?

A dedicated show programme, a complimentary glass of champagne, and exclusive access to the beautiful Salon Berlioz is included with your tickets.

Where do I collect my show programme and champagne?

At the Opéra Bastille, you can collect your included show programme in the main store, at the programme stand in the entry hall, or at the various programme stands on the ground, 2nd, and 4th floors.

You can choose to enjoy your champagne or desired beverage before the performance or during intermission at any of the public bars or in the exclusive Salon Berlioz. The Salon is located on the first floor on the right-hand side when entering the building, accessible by elevators or stairs.